The root chakra plays an important role in your physicality. Physical activity supports root chakra balancing. Yoga can be particularly helpful in balancing your root chakra. Below are specific movements to help ground and connect you with the energy of your first chakra:
1. Mountain Pose | Tadasana

This is a simple and basic yoga pose that encourages your connection to the earth. It will also connect you to your own physical body and ground you in the present moment. This pose can help relieve physical tension or fatigue, and help to calm and clear a frantic or scattered mind.
Stand barefoot. The upper body (neck and shoulders) should be relaxed, yet straight, and the arms should be relaxed at your side.
Bring your attention to your breath by inhaling slowly (into your belly) then exhale slowly. Continue taking these slow, deep breaths.
Become aware of the ground beneath your feet and relax into this feeling (keeping your back straight). Spread your toes and lift them off the ground---then relax and let them fall back down to the ground.
Imagine actual physical roots spreading downward and out from the bottoms of your feet and extending deep down into the earth beneath you. Keep your back straight and imagine that your spine is the trunk of the tree. Feel this firm connection and the stability of these roots as they ground you to the earth.
While you are visualizing your body connected to the earth through these strong roots, continue breathing slowly and evenly. Know that you are now strong and well-grounded.
Benefits of Mountain Pose | Tadasana:
Mountain Pose improves your posture and body awareness, strengthens your legs, and establishes good alignment. Tadasana may not look like much, but keeping your body active and aligned is hard work.
2. Warrior One Pose | Virabhadrasana 1

This is a strong yoga position that will create a firm connection between earth and your body. This pose allows prana (chi energy) to move and flow throughout your body and your root chakra. This pose will help strengthen your legs, knees, and lower back as well as open your hips.
Stand in Mountain Pose (feet firmly on the ground with your back straight and arms at your side). Take a deep breath, and on the exhale, step your left foot back about 3-4 feet. Turn your left foot to about a 45-degree angle and make your left foot is firmly planted and touching the ground as you turn it.
Continue with your deep breathing. On any exhale, bend your right knee over the right ankle so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor. Then bring your right thigh parallel with the floor.
Raise your arms above your head and touch your palms together--similar to a prayer position.
Bend both knees and step your feet back together-then repeat on the other side.
Warrior I Pose is filled with opposing alignments, but when all of the opposing movements work together, the pose offers a full-body experience. You will stretch the ankles and calves, strengthen the quadriceps and back, lengthen the psoas, and stretch your upper body and arms. There’s almost nobody part that doesn’t reap the rewards of holding Virabhadrasana I.Warrior I Pose is filled with opposing alignments, but when all of the opposing movements work together, the pose offers a full-body experience. You will stretch the ankles and calves, strengthen the quadriceps and back, lengthen the psoas, and stretch your upper body and arms. There’s almost nobody part that doesn’t reap the rewards of holding Virabhadrasana I.
3. Bridge Pose | Setu Bhandasana

This powerful root chakra pose allows your feet to be firmly rooted into the earth and your spine and feet to release any excess root chakra energy. The bridge pose will also stimulate the throat chakra, balance the sacral chakra, and open the heart and solar plexus chakra.
You will begin this pose by lying flat on your back (preferably outdoors on the ground) while positioning your arms straight by your side with palms facing down.
Bend your knees while keeping your feet parallel to each other (about a hip-width apart).
Bring your heels close to your body so that you can feel the tips of your fingers.
While you are maintaining full contact with the ground, firmly press your feet downward. While your leg muscles are being engaged be sure not to lift yourself up. Allow yourself to feel the energy flowing through your legs and breathe deeply during this process.
Press your feet down even more firmly and lift your lower back and buttocks off the ground. Press your chest upward.
While maintaining this position you can support yourself with your hands by placing them alongside your lower back.
Continue to breathe slowly and evenly and hold this pose for about a minute.
Bridge Pose improves posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting and computer work. It may help relieve low back pain and can counteract slouching and kyphosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). The pose gently stretches your abdomen, chest, and the area around your shoulders while strengthening your back muscles, buttocks (glutes), thighs, and ankles.
4. Corpse Pose | Savasana
