The Radiate Your Power Healing Candle is designed to open and balance the Solar Plexus chakra. The combinaton helps to release any energetic blockages (thought patterns, beliefs or emotions ) that cause imbalances within this chakra. An open and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra allows you to set your personal boundaries, feel more self worth and balance issues around anger, neediness or conditional love.
Located in the upper abdomen two inches above the navel, the solar plexus chakra or manipura is the third of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “shining gem,” a fitting name for this chakra. This chakra is the core of your personality and identity. When balanced, this chakra allows your authentic self to shine brightly.
The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and extends up to the sternum. This forms your deepest connections with willpower, self-discipline, and self-esteem. The solar plexus chakra embodies your unlimited potential to transform thought or inertia into action.
The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. This enables you to discover who you truly are and let your authenticity flourish. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the ability to overcome fear, master your thoughts, and make conscious choices.
The solar plexus chakra helps grow your confidence and vitality. This empowers you to follow your true path and create the life you want. When balanced, the solar plexus chakra allows you to seize your personal power, develop your authentic self, and take responsibility for your life.
Radiate Your Power Healing Candle
Essential Oils: Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemon, Juniper Berry, Marjoram. Rosemary Floral Water, Dried Rosemary Leaves, Dead Sea Salt, Baking Soda, Citric Acid, Corn Starch
Scents of Soul Healing Candles are made from a blend of the finest quality essential oils and each are highlighted with its own charka healing stone and beautiful gold inner glass surface.
These candles are made from a vegan blend of natural apricot and coconut wax that is gluten free, toxin free, paraben free, phthalate free, and come from renewable sources. The coconut blended was has a low melting temperature to ensure there is no burn off of the important essential oils.
We also use a premium wooden wicks, these wicks are made from renewable sappy fruit trees and provide a beautiful clean flame with a soft crackling sound.